Source code for coclust.coclustering.base_non_diagonal_coclust

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The :mod:`coclust.coclustering.base_non_diagonal_coclust` module provides a
class with common methods for non diagonal co-clustering algorithms.

# Author: Francois Role <>
#         Stanislas Morbieu <>

# License: BSD 3 clause

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

class BaseNonDiagonalCoclust(BaseEstimator):
    def get_row_indices(self, i):
        """Give the row indices of the i’th co-cluster.

        i : integer
            Index of the i'th row cluster

            list of row indices
        row_indices = [index for index, label in enumerate(self.row_labels_)
                       if label == i]
        return row_indices

    def get_col_indices(self, i):
        """Give the column indices of the i’th co-cluster.

        i : integer
            Index of the i'th column cluster

            list of column indices
        col_indices = [index for index, label in enumerate(self.column_labels_)
                       if label == i]
        return col_indices

    def get_shape(self, i, j):
        """Give the shape of block corresponding to the i’th row cluster and
           the j'th column cluster.

        i : integer
            Index of the row cluster
        j : integer
            Index of the column cluster

        (int, int)
            (number of rows, number of columns)
        row_indices = self.get_row_indices(i)
        column_indices = self.get_col_indices(i)
        return (len(row_indices), len(column_indices))

    def get_submatrix(self, m, i, j):
        """Give the submatrix corresponding to row cluster i and column cluster j.

        m : X : numpy array or scipy sparse matrix
            Matrix from which the block has to be extracted
        i : integer
           index of the row cluster
        j : integer
           index of the col cluster

        numpy array or scipy sparse matrix
            Submatrix corresponding to row cluster i and column cluster j
        row_ind = np.array(self.get_row_indices(i))
        col_ind = np.array(self.get_col_indices(j))
        return m[row_ind[:, np.newaxis], col_ind]