Source code for coclust.coclustering.coclust_info

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The :mod:`coclust.coclustering.coclust_info` module provides an implementation
of a co-clustering algorithm by an information-theoretic approach.

# Author: Francois Role <>
#         Stanislas Morbieu <>

# License: BSD 3 clause

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.sparse.sputils import isdense
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state, check_array

from ..initialization import random_init
from .base_non_diagonal_coclust import BaseNonDiagonalCoclust
from import check_positive

[docs]class CoclustInfo(BaseNonDiagonalCoclust): """Information-Theoretic Co-clustering. Parameters ---------- n_row_clusters : int, optional, default: 2 Number of row clusters to form n_col_clusters : int, optional, default: 2 Number of column clusters to form init : numpy array or scipy sparse matrix, \ shape (n_features, n_clusters), optional, default: None Initial column labels max_iter : int, optional, default: 20 Maximum number of iterations n_init : int, optional, default: 1 Number of time the algorithm will be run with different initializations. The final results will be the best output of `n_init` consecutive runs. random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState, optional The generator used to initialize the centers. If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy random number generator. tol : float, default: 1e-9 Relative tolerance with regards to criterion to declare convergence Attributes ---------- row_labels_ : array-like, shape (n_rows,) Bicluster label of each row column_labels_ : array-like, shape (n_cols,) Bicluster label of each column delta_kl_ : array-like, shape (k,l) Value :math:`\\frac{p_{kl}}{p_{k.} \\times p_{.l}}` for each row cluster k and column cluster l """ def __init__(self, n_row_clusters=2, n_col_clusters=2, init=None, max_iter=20, n_init=1, tol=1e-9, random_state=None): self.n_row_clusters = n_row_clusters self.n_col_clusters = n_col_clusters self.init = init self.max_iter = max_iter self.n_init = n_init self.tol = tol self.random_state = random_state self.row_labels_ = None self.column_labels_ = None self.criterions = [] self.criterion = -np.inf self.delta_kl_ = None
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Perform co-clustering. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array or scipy sparse matrix, shape=(n_samples, n_features) Matrix to be analyzed """ random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state) check_array(X, accept_sparse=True, dtype="numeric", order=None, copy=False, force_all_finite=True, ensure_2d=True, allow_nd=False, ensure_min_samples=self.n_row_clusters, ensure_min_features=self.n_col_clusters, warn_on_dtype=False, estimator=None) check_positive(X) X = X.astype(float) criterion = self.criterion criterions = self.criterions row_labels_ = self.row_labels_ column_labels_ = self.column_labels_ delta_kl_ = self.delta_kl_ seeds = random_state.randint(np.iinfo(np.int32).max, size=self.n_init) for seed in seeds: self._fit_single(X, seed, y) if np.isnan(self.criterion): raise ValueError("matrix may contain negative or " "unexpected NaN values") # remember attributes corresponding to the best criterion if (self.criterion > criterion): criterion = self.criterion criterions = self.criterions row_labels_ = self.row_labels_ column_labels_ = self.column_labels_ delta_kl_ = self.delta_kl_ # update attributes self.criterion = criterion self.criterions = criterions self.row_labels_ = row_labels_ self.column_labels_ = column_labels_ self.delta_kl_ = delta_kl_ return self
def _fit_single(self, X, random_state, y=None): """Perform one run of co-clustering. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array or scipy sparse matrix, shape=(n_samples, n_features) Matrix to be analyzed """ K = self.n_row_clusters L = self.n_col_clusters if self.init is None: W = random_init(L, X.shape[1], random_state) else: W = np.matrix(self.init, dtype=float) X = sp.csr_matrix(X) N = float(X.sum()) X = X.multiply(1. / N) Z = sp.lil_matrix(random_init(K, X.shape[0], self.random_state)) W = sp.csr_matrix(W) # Initial delta p_il = X * W # p_il = p_il # matrix m,l ; column l' contains the p_il' p_kj = X.T * Z # matrix j,k p_kd = p_kj.sum(axis=0) # array containing the p_k. p_dl = p_il.sum(axis=0) # array containing the p_.l # p_k. p_.l ; transpose because p_kd is "horizontal" p_kd_times_p_dl = p_kd.T * p_dl min_p_kd_times_p_dl = np.nanmin( p_kd_times_p_dl[ np.nonzero(p_kd_times_p_dl)]) p_kd_times_p_dl[p_kd_times_p_dl == 0.] = min_p_kd_times_p_dl * 0.01 p_kd_times_p_dl_inv = 1. / p_kd_times_p_dl p_kl = (Z.T * X) * W delta_kl = p_kl.multiply(p_kd_times_p_dl_inv) change = True news = [] n_iters = self.max_iter pkl_mi_previous = float(-np.inf) # Loop while change and n_iters > 0: change = False # Update Z p_il = X * W # matrix m,l ; column l' contains the p_il' if not isdense(delta_kl): delta_kl = delta_kl.todense() delta_kl[delta_kl == 0.] = 0.0001 # to prevent log(0) log_delta_kl = np.log(delta_kl.T) log_delta_kl = sp.lil_matrix(log_delta_kl) # p_il * (d_kl)T ; we examine each cluster Z1 = p_il * log_delta_kl Z1 = Z1.toarray() Z = np.zeros_like(Z1) # Z[(line index 1...), (max col index for 1...)] Z[np.arange(len(Z1)), Z1.argmax(1)] = 1 Z = sp.lil_matrix(Z) # Update delta # matrice d, k ; column k' contains the p_jk' p_kj = X.T * Z # p_il unchanged p_dl = p_il.sum(axis=0) # array l containing the p_.l p_kd = p_kj.sum(axis=0) # array k containing the p_k. # p_k. p_.l ; transpose because p_kd is "horizontal" p_kd_times_p_dl = p_kd.T * p_dl min_p_kd_times_p_dl = np.nanmin( p_kd_times_p_dl[ np.nonzero(p_kd_times_p_dl)]) p_kd_times_p_dl[p_kd_times_p_dl == 0.] = min_p_kd_times_p_dl * 0.01 p_kd_times_p_dl_inv = 1. / p_kd_times_p_dl p_kl = (Z.T * X) * W delta_kl = p_kl.multiply(p_kd_times_p_dl_inv) # Update W p_kj = X.T * Z # matrice m,l ; column l' contains the p_il' if not isdense(delta_kl): delta_kl = delta_kl.todense() delta_kl[delta_kl == 0.] = 0.0001 # to prevent log(0) log_delta_kl = np.log(delta_kl) log_delta_kl = sp.lil_matrix(log_delta_kl) W1 = p_kj * log_delta_kl # p_kj * d_kl ; we examine each cluster W1 = W1.toarray() W = np.zeros_like(W1) W[np.arange(len(W1)), W1.argmax(1)] = 1 W = sp.lil_matrix(W) # Update delta p_il = X * W # matrix d,k ; column k' contains the p_jk' # p_kj unchanged p_dl = p_il.sum(axis=0) # array l containing the p_.l p_kd = p_kj.sum(axis=0) # array k containing the p_k. # p_k. p_.l ; transpose because p_kd is "horizontal" p_kd_times_p_dl = p_kd.T * p_dl min_p_kd_times_p_dl = np.nanmin( p_kd_times_p_dl[ np.nonzero(p_kd_times_p_dl)]) p_kd_times_p_dl[p_kd_times_p_dl == 0.] = min_p_kd_times_p_dl * 0.01 p_kd_times_p_dl_inv = 1. / p_kd_times_p_dl p_kl = (Z.T * X) * W delta_kl = p_kl.multiply(p_kd_times_p_dl_inv) # to prevent log(0) when computing criterion if not isdense(delta_kl): delta_kl = delta_kl.todense() delta_kl[delta_kl == 0.] = 0.0001 # Criterion pkl_mi = sp.lil_matrix(p_kl).multiply( sp.lil_matrix(np.log(delta_kl))) pkl_mi = pkl_mi.sum() if np.abs(pkl_mi - pkl_mi_previous) > self.tol: pkl_mi_previous = pkl_mi change = True news.append(pkl_mi) n_iters -= 1 self.criterions = news self.criterion = pkl_mi self.row_labels_ = Z.toarray().argmax(axis=1).tolist() self.column_labels_ = W.toarray().argmax(axis=1).tolist() self.delta_kl_ = delta_kl self.Z = Z self.W = W