Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The :mod:`` module provides functions to load data
from files of different types.

# Author: Severine Affeldt  <>

import logging
import os.path

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from import whosmat, loadmat

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# module variables
key_name_data = 'doc_term_matrix'
key_name_term_labels = 'term_labels'
key_name_doc_labels = 'doc_labels'

[docs]def load_doc_term_data(data_filepath, term_labels_filepath=None, doc_labels_filepath=None): """Load cooccurence data from a .[...]sv or a .mat file. The expected formats are: - ``(data_filepath).[...]sv``: three [...] separated columns: 1st line: - 1st column: number of documents - 2nd column: number of words Other lines: - 1st column: document index - 2nd column: word index - 3rd column: word counts - ``(data_filepath).mat``: matlab file with fields: - ``'doc_term_matrix'``: :class:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` of shape (#docs, #terms) - ``'doc_labels'``: list of int (len = #docs) - ``'term_labels'``: list of string (len = #terms) If the key ``'doc_term_matrix'`` is not found, data loading fails. If the key ``'doc_labels'`` or ``'term_labels'`` are missing, a warning message is displayed. Term and doc labels can be separatly loaded from a one column .[x]sv|.txt file: - (term_labels_filepath).[x]sv|.txt: one column, one term label per row. The row index is assumed to correspond to the term index in the (columns of the) co-occurrence data matrix. - (doc_labels_filepath).[x]sv|.txt: one column, one document label per row. The row index is assumed to correspond to the non zero value number read by row from the co-occurrence data matrix. Parameters ---------- file_path: string Path to file that contains the cooccurence data Returns ------- a dictionnary: - ``'doc_term_matrix'``: :class:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` of shape (#docs, #terms) - ``'doc_labels'``: list of int (#docs) - ``'term_labels'``: list of string (#terms) Raises ------ ValueError If the input file is not found or if its content is not correct. Example ------- >>> dict = load_doc_term_data('../datasets/classic3.csv') >>> dict['doc_term_matrix'].shape (3891, 4303) """ # Check that file_name is a file path and correspond to an exisiting file if not os.path.isfile(data_filepath): raise ValueError("[file_name] argument (%s) is not a file path or " "file does not exist." % os.path.abspath(data_filepath)) # Get the file extension of the data_filepath _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(data_filepath) doc_term_dict = {} if file_extension == '.mat': # Load cooccurence table from .mat file doc_term_dict = _load_doc_term_data_from_mat_(data_filepath) else: # Load and format cooccurence table from .xsv file (.csv or .tsv) doc_term_dict = _load_doc_term_data_from_xsv_(data_filepath) # If doc_term_matrix is None, raise exception if doc_term_dict[key_name_data] is None: raise ValueError("doc_term matrix is None, check your input file " "content or field names.") # Get the number of terms and docs n_term = doc_term_dict[key_name_data].shape[1] n_doc = doc_term_dict[key_name_data].shape[0] # If term|document labels are missing, load them from # term|doc_labels_filepath # --> terms if doc_term_dict[key_name_term_labels] is None: if term_labels_filepath is not None: tmp_term_labels = np.loadtxt(term_labels_filepath, dtype='str')\ .tolist() if len(tmp_term_labels) != n_term: raise ValueError("Number of term labels (%d) not compatible " "with co-occurence matrix shape (%d, %d)" % (n_term, n_doc, len(tmp_term_labels))) else: doc_term_dict[key_name_term_labels] = tmp_term_labels # --> docs if doc_term_dict[key_name_doc_labels] is None: if doc_labels_filepath is not None: tmp_doc_labels = np.loadtxt(doc_labels_filepath, dtype='int')\ .tolist() if len(tmp_doc_labels) != n_term: raise ValueError("Number of doc labels (%d) not compatible " "with the number of terms (%d)" % (len(tmp_doc_labels), n_term)) doc_term_dict[key_name_doc_labels] = tmp_doc_labels if doc_term_dict[key_name_data] is None: raise ValueError("Co-occurence data cannot be loaded from .mat file: " "no 'coccurrence' field found.") if doc_term_dict[key_name_term_labels] is None: logger.warning("Term labels cannot be loaded from .mat file. Use " "input argument 'term_labels_filepath' if term labels " "are available.") if doc_term_dict[key_name_doc_labels] is None: logger.warning("Document labels cannot be loaded from .mat file. Use " "input argument 'doc_labels_filepath' if doc labels " "are available.") return doc_term_dict
def _get_file_delimiter_(extension): switcher = { '.csv': ',', '.tsv': '\t', } return switcher.get(extension, "\t") def _load_doc_term_data_from_xsv_(path, extension=None): tmp_dict = {key: None for key in [key_name_data, key_name_term_labels, key_name_doc_labels]} # Get the file extension if needed if extension is None: _, extension = os.path.splitext(path) # --> get the delimeter from the extension file_delimiter = _get_file_delimiter_(extension) # --> build the matrix (it may take a few seconds) a = np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=file_delimiter, skiprows=1) # --> Set the co-occurrence data tmp_dict[key_name_data] = (coo_matrix((a[:, 2], (a[:, 0].astype(int), a[:, 1].astype(int))))).tocsr() return tmp_dict def _load_doc_term_data_from_mat_(path): tmp_dict = {key: None for key in [key_name_data, key_name_term_labels, key_name_doc_labels]} # Get the fields from the matlab file matlab_content = whosmat(path) for index, element in enumerate(matlab_content): # if co-occurence data, load if element[0] == key_name_data: tmp_dict[key_name_data] = loadmat(path)[key_name_data] # if term label data, load and convert to list elif element[0] == key_name_term_labels: tmp_dict[key_name_term_labels] = loadmat(path)[key_name_term_labels] tmp_dict[key_name_term_labels] = tmp_dict[key_name_term_labels].tolist() # if doc label data, load, convert to list and take list inside... elif element[0] == key_name_doc_labels: tmp_dict[key_name_doc_labels] = loadmat(path)[key_name_doc_labels] tmp_dict[key_name_doc_labels] = tmp_dict[key_name_doc_labels].tolist()[0] return tmp_dict