Source code for coclust.visualization

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The :mod:`coclust.visualization` module provides functions to visualize
different measures or data.

import logging

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patheffects as PathEffects
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'ggplot')

[docs]def plot_max_modularities(max_modularities, range_n_clusters): """Plot all max modularities obtained after a series of evaluations. The best partition is indicated in the graph and main title. Parameters ---------- max_modularities: list of float Final modularities for all evaluated partitions range_n_clusters: list Number of clusters for which the algorithm is to be executed Example ------- >>> plot_max_modularities(all_max_modularities, range_n_clusters) .. plot:: from coclust.visualization import plot_max_modularities from import load_doc_term_data from coclust.evaluation.internal import best_modularity_partition path = '../../../datasets/classic3_coclustFormat.mat' doc_term_data = load_doc_term_data(path) min_cluster_nbr = 2 max_cluster_nbr = 9 range_n_clusters = range(min_cluster_nbr, (max_cluster_nbr + 1)) best_coclustMod_model, all_max_modularities = \ best_modularity_partition(doc_term_data['doc_term_matrix'], range_n_clusters, 1) plot_max_modularities(all_max_modularities, range_n_clusters) """ # Prepare a subplot and set the axis tick values and labels fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.canvas.draw() labels = np.arange(1, (len(max_modularities)), 1) plt.xticks(np.arange(0, len(max_modularities) + 1, 1)) labels = range_n_clusters ax.set_xticklabels(labels) # Plot all max modularities plt.plot(max_modularities, marker='o') # Set the axis titles plt.ylabel("Final Modularity", size=10) plt.xlabel("Number of clusters", size=10) # Set the axis limits plt.xlim(-0.5, (len(max_modularities) - 0.5)) plt.ylim((min(max_modularities) - 0.05 * min(max_modularities)), (max(max_modularities) + 0.05 * max(max_modularities))) # Set the main plot titlee plt.title("\nMax. modularity for %d clusters (%.4f)\n" % (range_n_clusters[max_modularities.index(max(max_modularities))], max(max_modularities)), size=12) # Remove automatic ticks plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', right='off', left='off') # Plot a dashed vertical line at best partition plt.axvline(np.argmax(max_modularities), linestyle="dashed")
[docs]def plot_intermediate_modularities(model): """Plot all intermediate modularities for a model. Parameters ---------- model: :class:`coclust.coclustering.CoclustMod` Fitted model Example ------- >>> plot_intermediate_modularities(model) .. plot:: from coclust.visualization import plot_intermediate_modularities from import load_doc_term_data from coclust.coclustering import CoclustMod model = CoclustMod(n_clusters=3) matrix = load_doc_term_data('../../../datasets/classic3.csv')['doc_term_matrix'] plot_intermediate_modularities(model) """ # Prepare a subplot and set the axis tick values and labels fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.canvas.draw() labels = np.arange(1, (len(model.modularities) + 1), 1) plt.xticks(np.arange(0, len(model.modularities) + 1, 1)) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) # Plot all intermdiate modularities plt.plot(model.modularities, marker='o') # Set the axis titles plt.ylabel("Modularities", size=10) plt.xlabel("Iterations", size=10) # Set the axis limits plt.xlim(-0.5, (len(model.modularities)-0.5)) plt.ylim((min(model.modularities) - 0.05 * min(model.modularities)), (max(model.modularities) + 0.05 * max(model.modularities))) # Set the main plot titlee plt.title("\nIntermediate modularities for %d clusters\n" % (model.n_clusters), size=12) # Remove automatic ticks plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', right='off', left='off') # Plot a dashed horizontal line around max modularity plt.axhline(max(model.modularities), linestyle="dashed") plt.axhline((max(model.modularities)-model.tol), linestyle="dashed")
[docs]def plot_cluster_top_terms(in_data, all_terms, nb_top_terms, model): """Plot the top terms for each cluster. Parameters ---------- in_data : numpy array or scipy sparse matrix, shape=(n_samples, n_features) all_terms: list of string list of all terms from the original data set nb_top_terms: int number of top terms to be displayed per cluster model: :class:`coclust.coclustering.BaseDiagonalCoclust` a co-clustering model Example ------- >>> plot_cluster_top_terms(in_data, all_terms, nb_top_terms, model) .. plot:: from coclust.visualization import plot_cluster_top_terms from import load_doc_term_data from coclust.evaluation.internal import best_modularity_partition path = '../../../datasets/classic3_coclustFormat.mat' doc_term_data = load_doc_term_data(path) min_cluster_nbr = 2 max_cluster_nbr = 9 range_n_clusters = range(min_cluster_nbr, (max_cluster_nbr + 1)) best_coclustMod_model, _ = \ best_modularity_partition(doc_term_data['doc_term_matrix'], range_n_clusters, 1) n_terms = 10 plot_cluster_top_terms(doc_term_data['doc_term_matrix'], doc_term_data['term_labels'], n_terms, best_coclustMod_model) """ if all_terms is None: logger.warning("Term labels cannot be found. Use input argument " "'term_labels_filepath' in function " "'load_doc_term_data' if term labels are available.") return x_label = "number of occurences" plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8)) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.200) plt.suptitle(" Top %d terms" % nb_top_terms, size=15) number_of_subplots = model.n_clusters for i, v in enumerate(range(number_of_subplots)): # Get the row/col indices corresponding to the given cluster row_indices, col_indices = model.get_indices(v) # Get the submatrix corresponding to the given cluster cluster = model.get_submatrix(in_data, v) # Count the number of each term p = cluster.sum(0) t = p.getA().flatten() # Obtain all term names for the given cluster tmp_terms = np.array(all_terms)[col_indices] # Get the first n terms max_indices = t.argsort()[::-1][:nb_top_terms] pos = np.arange(nb_top_terms) v = v + 1 ax1 = plt.subplot(number_of_subplots, 1, v) ax1.barh(pos, t[max_indices][::-1]) ax1.set_title("Cluster %d (%d terms)" % (v, len(col_indices)), size=11) plt.yticks(.4 + pos, tmp_terms[max_indices][::-1], size=9.5) plt.xlabel(x_label, size=9) plt.margins(y=0.05) #_remove_ticks() plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='on', top='off', right='off', left='off') # Tight layout often produces nice results # but requires the title to be spaced accordingly plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.88)
[docs]def get_term_graph(X, model, terms, n_cluster, n_top_terms=10, n_neighbors=2, stopwords=[]): """Get a graph of terms. Parameters ---------- X: input matrix model: :class:`coclust.coclustering.BaseDiagonalCoclust` a co-clustering model terms: list of string list of terms n_cluster: int Id of the cluster n_top_terms: int, optional, default: 10 Number of terms n_neighbors: int, optional, default: 2 Number of neighbors stopwords: list of string, optional, default: [] Words to remove """ # The dictionary to be returned graph = {"nodes": [], "links": []} if terms is None: logger.warning("Term labels cannot be found. Use input argument " "'term_labels_filepath' in function " "'load_doc_term_data' if term labels are available.") return graph # get submatrix and local kist of terms row_indices, col_indices = model.get_indices(n_cluster) cluster = model.get_submatrix(X, n_cluster) terms = np.array(terms)[col_indices] # identify most frequent words p = cluster.sum(0) t = p.getA().flatten() top_term_indices = t.argsort()[::-1][:n_top_terms] # create tt sim matrix cluster_norm = normalize(cluster, norm='l2', axis=0, copy=True) sim = cluster_norm.T * cluster_norm # to be able to compute the final index of a neighbor which is also a # top term d = {t: i for i, t in enumerate(top_term_indices)} # identify best neighbors of frequent terms pointed_by = dict() graph = {"nodes": [], "links": []} all_neighbors = set() links = [] for idx_tt, t in enumerate(top_term_indices): best_neighbors = np.argsort(sim.toarray()[t])[::-1][:n_neighbors] for n in best_neighbors: if len(stopwords) > 0: if terms[n] in stopwords: continue if (terms[n].endswith("ed") or terms[n].endswith("ing") or terms[n].endswith("ly")): continue # if terms[dico_tt[n]].lower() in stopwords: continue if t == n: continue if n in top_term_indices and t in pointed_by.get(n, []): # t was already pointed by n continue if n in top_term_indices: # n will be able to check that is has been pointed by t pointed_by.setdefault(t, []).append(n) else: # a "pure" neighbor all_neighbors.add(n) if n in top_term_indices: # n is a (not yet handled) top term. Lookup in dictionary to # find the d3 index. # Also record original indices using couples. links.append(((idx_tt, t), (d[n], n))) else: # n is a pure neighbor. Compute its d3 index by an addition # use indices suitable for d3 links links.append(((idx_tt, t), (len(top_term_indices) + len(all_neighbors) - 1, n))) for top_term in top_term_indices: graph["nodes"].append({"name": terms[top_term], "group": 0}) for neighbor in all_neighbors: graph["nodes"].append({"name": terms[neighbor], "group": 1}) for a, b in links: graph["links"].append({"source": a[0], "target": b[0], "value": sim[a[1], b[1]]}) return graph
[docs]def plot_cluster_sizes(model): """Plot the sizes of the clusters. Parameters ---------- model: :class:`coclust.coclustering.BaseDiagonalCoclust` a co-clustering model Example ------- >>> plot_cluster_sizes(model) .. plot:: from coclust.visualization import plot_cluster_sizes from import load_doc_term_data from coclust.coclustering import CoclustMod model = CoclustMod(n_clusters=3) matrix = load_doc_term_data('../../../datasets/classic3.csv')['doc_term_matrix'] plot_cluster_sizes(model) """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) prop_list = list(plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']) colors = [prop_list[0]['color'], prop_list[1]['color']] x = [] y = [] for i in range(model.n_clusters): number_of_rows, number_of_columns = model.get_shape(i) x.append(number_of_rows) y.append(number_of_columns) data = [x, y] shift = .8 / len(data * 2) location = np.arange(model.n_clusters) legend_rects = [] for i in range(2): cols = + i * shift, data[i], width=shift, color=colors[i % len(colors)], align='center') legend_rects.append(cols[0]) for c in cols: h = c.get_height() ax.text(c.get_x() + c.get_width() / 2., h + 5, '%d' % int(h), ha='center', va='bottom') ax.set_xticks(location + (shift / 2.)) ax.set_xticklabels(['coclust-' + str(i) for i in range(model.n_clusters)]) plt.xlabel('Co-clusters') plt.ylabel('Sizes') plt.tight_layout() ax.legend(legend_rects, ('Rows', 'Columns')) #_remove_ticks() plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='on', top='off', right='off', left='off')
def _remove_ticks(): plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', right='off', left='off')
[docs]def plot_reorganized_matrix(X, model, precision=0.8, markersize=0.9): """Plot the reorganized matrix. Parameters ---------- X: matrix Data matrix model: Fitted co-clustering model precision: float, optional values greater than `precision` will be plotted markersize: float marker size Example ------- >>> plot_reorganized_matrix(X, model) .. plot:: from coclust.visualization import plot_reorganized_matrix from import load_doc_term_data from coclust.coclustering import CoclustMod path = '../../../datasets/classic3.csv' model = CoclustMod(n_clusters=3) X = load_doc_term_data(path)['doc_term_matrix'] plot_reorganized_matrix(X, model) """ row_indices = np.argsort(model.row_labels_) col_indices = np.argsort(model.column_labels_) X_reorg = X[row_indices, :] X_reorg = X_reorg[:, col_indices] plt.spy(X_reorg, precision=precision, markersize=markersize) _remove_ticks()
[docs]def plot_convergence(criteria, criterion_name, marker='o'): """ Plot the convergence of a given criteria. Parameters ---------- criteria: array-like Criteria values criterion_name: str Name of the criteria marker: Marker Example ------- >>> plot_convergence(modularities, "Modularity") .. plot:: from coclust.visualization import plot_convergence from import load_doc_term_data from coclust.coclustering import CoclustMod path = '../../../datasets/classic3.csv' model = CoclustMod(n_clusters=3) X = load_doc_term_data(path)['doc_term_matrix'] plot_convergence(model.modularities, "Modularity") """ plt.plot(criteria, marker=marker) plt.ylabel(criterion_name) plt.xlabel('Iterations') _remove_ticks()
[docs]def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, colormap=plt.get_cmap(), labels='012'): """Plot a confusion matrix. Parameters ---------- cm: array Confusion matrix colormap: :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap` Color map labels: Labels Example ------- >>> plot_confusion_matrix(cm) .. plot:: from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from coclust.visualization import plot_confusion_matrix from import load_doc_term_data from coclust.coclustering import CoclustMod path = '../../../datasets/classic3_coclustFormat.mat' model = CoclustMod(n_clusters=3) data = load_doc_term_data(path) X = data['doc_term_matrix'] labels = data['doc_labels'] cm = confusion_matrix(labels, model.row_labels_) plot_confusion_matrix(cm) """ conf_arr = np.array(cm) norm_conf_arr = [] for i in conf_arr: a = 0 tmp_arr = [] a = sum(i, 0) for j in i: tmp_arr.append(float(j) / float(a)) norm_conf_arr.append(tmp_arr) fig = plt.figure() plt.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect(1) res = ax.imshow(np.array(norm_conf_arr), cmap=colormap, interpolation='nearest') width, height = conf_arr.shape for x in np.arange(width): for y in np.arange(height): ax.annotate(str(conf_arr[x][y]), xy=(y, x), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', path_effects=[PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=3, foreground="w", alpha=0.7)]) fig.colorbar(res) plt.xticks(range(width), labels[:width]) plt.yticks(range(height), labels[:height]) _remove_ticks()
[docs]def plot_delta_kl(model, colormap=plt.get_cmap(), labels='012'): """Plot the delta values of the Information-Theoretic Co-clustering. Parameters ---------- model: :class:`coclust.coclustering.CoClustInfo` The fitted co-clustering model colormap: :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap` Color map labels: Labels Example ------- >>> plot_delta_kl(model) .. plot:: from coclust.visualization import plot_delta_kl from import load_doc_term_data from coclust.coclustering import CoclustInfo path = '../../../datasets/classic3.csv' model = CoclustInfo(n_row_clusters=3, n_col_clusters=3) X = load_doc_term_data(path)['doc_term_matrix'] plot_delta_kl(model) """ delta = model.delta_kl_ delta_arr = np.round(np.array(delta), decimals=3) fig = plt.figure() plt.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect(1) res = ax.imshow(np.array(delta_arr), cmap=colormap, interpolation='nearest') width, height = delta_arr.shape for x in np.arange(width): for y in np.arange(height): nb_docs = len(model.get_row_indices(x)) nb_terms = len(model.get_col_indices(y)) ax.annotate(str(delta_arr[x][y]) + "\n(%d,%d)" % (nb_docs, nb_terms), xy=(y, x), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', path_effects=[PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=3, foreground="w", alpha=0.7)]) fig.colorbar(res) plt.xticks(range(width), labels[:width]) plt.yticks(range(height), labels[:height]) ax = plt.gca() ax.grid(False) _remove_ticks()